Publicado: Mar May 04, 2010 6:37 pm Asunto: Impedir copiar post e imágenes ELVIS IN CONCERT: 16 Agosto 1977


Elvis In Concert was a Special CBS presentation aired on October 3rd, 1977 from 8.00 to 9.00 p.m in the United States. This special consisted in some of the last perfomances that Elvis ever done on stage in June 1977. It had Elvis Presley lot of Elvis Presley fan comments, an interview with Vernon Presley, and a final message recorded after Elvis's dead.

16 Agosto 1977




EIN: What’s your opinion of Red & Sonny’s book "Elvis: What Happened"? Did Elvis talk to you about it & did he try to stop its publication?
Billy: Yes, I read Red and Sonny's book and told Elvis what was in it. He was upset about it. We talked some about the book, and he did not want it to be published.
(EIN Note – For more details about Elvis’ reaction to Red & Sonny’s book you need to read all Billy, Lamar Fike & Marty Lacker’s insights in the book ‘Elvis & the Memphis Mafia’)
EIN: On the final night you played racket ball with him and then he sat down and played the piano. Was ‘Blues Eyes Crying in the Rain’ the last song he sang at the piano, and was he in good humour?
Billy: Elvis seemed to be sluggish and not in the best of shape. He tried to do things and keep active, but he just was not up to it. Elvis was moody sometimes, but, he was looking forward to the upcoming tour. On the final night, Elvis, Ginger, Jo and I went to the racket ball building and played a game or two. He was in a very good mood, but didn't really get down to playing a serious game. Mostly, just trying to hit me with the ball! We sat around the piano, and yes, he sang "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain." He was joking and laughing. We went back up to the house. I went upstairs with him and helped him get ready for bed. He hugged me, said, "I love you and Goodnight. . . This is going to be a great tour!"


Llegó a la mansión hacia las 2:00 p.m. e hizo gestiones telefónicas sobre la gira que iba a comenzar esa noche del 16 de Agosto en Portland,  Maine. Al Strada le ayudó a empaquetar y hacer maletas. (testimonio en video)
El dia anterior habló con Elvis por teléfono y estaba bien.


"Si hubiera vuelto allí arriba (el baño de Elvis), podría haberlo encontrado. Pero yo estaba abusando de drogas también...creo que sería correcto decir que tenía suficiente Demerol en mi para sedar a Whitehaven (el barrio de Memphis donde se encuentra Graceland). Así que en vez de eso, regresé a mi habitación a inyectarme." (declaraciones a revista People, Agosto 1989) (libro THE DEATH OF ELVIS pag.257)

Dick Grob (jefe de seguridad de Graceland): "Tenemos a Ricky que estaba de servicio cuando supuestamente debía chequearlo (a Elvis) ocasionalmente, y Ricky estaba abajo "colocado"(traducción libre). Creo que todo lo que podría haber ido mal esa noche, fue mal con el sistema. (libro THE DEATH OF ELVIS pag.256)

On his last night alive I had just gotten off the phone with my girlfriend, Robyn. Throughout the years she would encourage me to give up drugs, and she said that, when she hung up the phone, she was going to pray that something would happen to turn my life around. Then I went upstairs and sat down on the bed with Elvis. He pulled the reading glasses down over his nose—he wore the kind that look like they are cut in half—and he flipped the side of his glasses in his mouth. He really looked kind of cool to me ’cause his sideburns hadn’t been dyed yet, and he had gray in them. He was pretty mellowed out. He did seem to be very, very tired, not physically but emotionally spent.
As we sat and talked for a while, he handed me a piece of paper, the outline of the book written by his ex-bodyguards. It talked about his drug use. He asked me two questions. He said, “What’s Lisa Marie going to think about this?” and I didn’t have much of an answer. I just said, “Well, she’s your daughter. I’m sure she’ll love you.” And then he asked me about the fans. “What’re the fans going to think about this?” and without even thinking, I was able to say, “Well, they love you no matter what.”
We talked for a little while, and I told him about the conversation with Robyn. How I was going to get off drugs, you know, get my life straightened up, that type of thing. I could tell he wanted his medication, his sleeping pills, pretty soon.
I use the word medication because if you say the word drugs, people think crack and heroin, which he never used. I’d brought up a package of medication, pills that were just to the right of the steps [to the bedroom] in a cabinet. There were packages in there that Elvis called the attack packs because that’s what he wanted them to do, “attack” him, knock him out.
We’re sitting there and talking, and I’m telling him about Robyn and the advice she’d been giving me over the years. Elvis had met her and he liked her, thought she was a nice kid. “I really think she’s giving you good advice, Rick,” he told me. “I think she’s somebody that really cares.”
He talked for a while longer. A tour was starting the next day, and he was not excited about it at all. When I was leaving, Elvis told me, “I don’t want to be bothered, I don’t want to be disturbed.” To anybody that worked with Elvis, you knew that meant one of two things. He may be wanting to spend time with his girlfriend, Ginger. Or he wanted to sleep. But he let me know he didn’t want to be disturbed, and with Elvis, that was a firm command.
Many times I have seen Elvis get so out of it that he’d go in the bathroom and be sitting on the head, and he’d fall forward. I have had to go pick him up when that would happen, Many times. And that’s my theory on the death of Elvis. See, that shag carpet’s thick. Big, thick stuff, That night when he fell forward, being so overweight and out of it, he couldn’t lift himself, And he smothered in the rug.
If I’d gone back up there, I may have found him. But I was abusing drugs too…I think it’d be safe to say I had enough Demerol going through me right then to sedate Whitehaven [a Memphis suburb]. So instead, I went back to my own room and shot up.
I just pretty much went numb from then on out. As for my stepfather, when Elvis died, that was pretty much the end of our relationship. I was quickly asked to leave the mansion—”We don’t need you anymore,” is what Vernon said. He said he’d give me two weeks’ notice.



A las 12:28 a.m. del 16 de Agosto de 1977 , Elvis Presley conduciendo su coche Stutz Blackhawk de 1973, regresa a Graceland después de visitar a su dentista. Esta foto fue tomada en ese momento por Robert Call de Indiana, mientras Elvis saludaba con la mano izquierda. La fotografía aparecería el 20 de septiembre de ese año en la portada del National Enquirer de Memphis, bajo el título de "THE LAST PHOTO OF ELVIS ALIVE" (La última foto de Elvis con vida). En dicho periódico apareció también una foto de la persona que hizo esta histórica instantánea, y cuenta que Elvis saludaba a su hija de cuatro años, Abby. En la parte delantera del coche iban su prometida Ginger Alden y su hija Lisa Marie, y en la parte trasera iban su primo Billy Smith y ...

Esta escena fue recreada para la película documental "This Is Elvis" que se estrenó en 1981. Disponible en DVD

Sobre las 2:15 de la madrugada, Elvis llama al Dr. Nick porque tiene dolor en el diente que había estado tratando horas antes su dentista. Le pide Dilaudid y este le receta 6 tabletas. Elvis encarga a Rick Stanley que acuda a la farmacia de guardia del hospital Baptist Memorial a recoger la medicación. 


Hacia las 4:00 de la madrugada Elvis llama por teléfono a su primo Billy Smith y le pide jugar al racketball junto a su esposa Jo y Ginger Alden. Ambos cuentan su testimonio en este video publicado en el año 1991.

Libro que Elvis estaba leyendo
el 16/8/77 en Graceland, según versión
de la familia de Elvis.
Libro que Elvis estaba leyendo
el 16/8/77 en Graceland, según versión
del investigador y Ginger Alden.
El libro no es pornográfico como se cita por algunas

La oración que el Reverendo Humbard realizó con Elvis en 1977. Aquel emocionante momento lo cuenta el mismo en este video.
 La CBS anuncia la muerte de Elvis, el 16 de Agosto de 1977.

 Elvis Presley's Death | WCCO AM Radio Report | August 1977